Source code for tests.test_eventbus

Created on 2020-02-01

@author: wf
import unittest
import socket
import json
import time
import getpass
from Vertx.eventbus import Eventbus, TcpEventBusBridgeStarter
from Vertx.eventbus import State

[docs]class EchoCommand(dict): """ an Echo Command object """
[docs] def __init__(self,cmd,msgType,address): """ construct me Args: cmd(str): a command either "time" or "counter" msgType(str): a message type either "send" or "publish" address(str): an address to be used for the echo """ dict.__init__(self, cmd=cmd,msgType=msgType,address=address) self.cmd=cmd; self.msgType=msgType; self.address=address;
[docs] def asJson(self): """ return me as a json String Returns: str: the json representation of the EchoCommand """ return json.dumps(self.__dict__)
[docs]class Handler(object): """ a Handler for messages"""
[docs] def __init__(self,debug=False): """ construct me Args: debug(bool): if True show debug messages - default: True """ self.debug=debug self.err=None self.result=None self.headers=None
[docs] def handle(self, err, message=None): """ handle the given vert.x tcp-event bus message Args: err(dict): potential error message message(dict): the message dict to handle it may contain a body and headers """ if err !=None: self.err = err if message != None: self.result = message['body'] if 'headers' in message: self.headers= message['headers'] if self.debug: print("handler received "+str(self.result)) if self.headers: print(" headers: "+str(self.headers))
RECEIVE_WAIT=0.4 # number of seconds to wait for result to be received
[docs]class TestEventbus(unittest.TestCase): """ test the Eventbus for the vert.x tcp eventbus bridge """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ construct me """ # super(TestEventbus, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.debug=True if getpass.getuser()=="travis": Eventbus.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT=10.0 elif getpass.getuser()=="wf": # could be as low as 0.1 secs on a quick computer ... Eventbus.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT=0.1 else: Eventbus.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT=1.0
[docs] def testCmd(self): """ test json encoding of a Cmd""" cmd=EchoCommand("time","send","me") json=cmd.asJson() if self.debug: print("echo command as json='%s'" % json) assert json=='{"cmd": "time", "msgType": "send", "address": "me"}'
[docs] def testCreateWithInvalidPort(self): """ test creating an event bus for an invalid port """ hasErr=False try: eb=Eventbus(port=9999,debug=self.debug) assert eb is not None except Exception as e: if self.debug: print(e) hasErr=e is not None pass assert hasErr,"There should be an exception that eventbus is not expected at this port"
[docs] def testRegisterWithClosedBus(self): """ try registering an event bus for a closed port """ eb=Eventbus(port=7001,debug=self.debug) eb.close(); handler=Handler(self.debug); err=False try: eb.registerHandler("address1", handler.handle) except Exception as e: if self.debug: print (e) err=e is not None pass assert err, "It should not be possible to register a handler while the eventbus is closed"
[docs] def test_registerHandler(self): """ test registering a handler""" eb = Eventbus(port=7001,debug=self.debug) handler=Handler(self.debug); eb.registerHandler('echo', handler.handle) assert(eb.handlers['echo'] != None) eb.unregisterHandler('echo',handler.handle) assert eb.handlers is not None assert len(eb.handlers) == 0 # close eb.close()
[docs] def testHandler(self): """ test handler """ handler=Handler(self.debug) body = {'msg': 'test Handler' } message={} message["body"]=body handler.handle(None,message) assert handler.result==body
[docs] def testRegisterHandler(self): """ test a successful handler registration """ eb=Eventbus(port=7001) handler=Handler(self.debug) eb.registerHandler("echo", handler.handle) assert(eb.handlers['echo'] != None) eb.close()
[docs] def testWait(self): """ test waiting for the eventbus to open and close """ eb=Eventbus(port=7001,debug=True) eb.wait() eb.close() eb.wait(State.CLOSED) eb=Eventbus(port=7001,debug=True,connect=False) timedOut=False try: eb.wait(State.OPEN,timeOut=0.1) except Exception as e: print(e) timedOut=e is not None assert timedOut
[docs] def test_publish(self): """ test publishing a message to the echo server """ eb = Eventbus(port=7001,debug=True) handler=Handler(self.debug) eb.registerHandler("echo", handler.handle) #jsonObject -body body1 = {'msg': 'testpublish 1'} eb.wait(State.OPEN) # publish without headers eb.publish('echo', body1) # wait for the message to arrive time.sleep(RECEIVE_WAIT) eb.close() assert handler.result == body1
[docs] def testMergeHeaders(self): """ test merging headers """ eb = Eventbus(port=7001,debug=self.debug,connect=False) eb.addHeader("dh1", "dv1") mh1=eb._mergeHeaders(); assert mh1=={'dh1': 'dv1'}; headers={"h1","v1"} mh2=eb._mergeHeaders(headers) assert mh2=={'dh1': 'dv1', 'h': '1', 'v': '1'}
[docs] def test_publishWithHeader(self): """ test publishing a message with headers """ eb = Eventbus(port=7001,debug=self.debug) handler=Handler(self.debug) eb.registerHandler("echo", handler.handle) body2 = {'msg': 'testpublish with headers' } eb.addHeader('type', 'text') eb.addHeader('size', 'small') # publish with headers eb.publish('echo', body2) # wait for the message to arrive time.sleep(RECEIVE_WAIT) eb.close() assert handler.result == body2 assert handler.headers == {'type': 'text', 'size': 'small'}
[docs] def test_publishWithMultipleHandlers(self): """ test publishing a message to be handle by multiple handlers""" eb = Eventbus(port=7001,debug=self.debug) handler1=Handler(self.debug) handler2=Handler(self.debug) address="echoMe" eb.registerHandler(address, handler1.handle) eb.registerHandler(address, handler2.handle) eb.wait(State.OPEN) eb.send('echo',EchoCommand("reset","send",address)) cmd=EchoCommand("counter","publish",address) eb.send('echo',cmd) time.sleep(RECEIVE_WAIT) eb.close() assert 'counter' in handler1.result assert handler1.result['counter']==1 assert 'counter' in handler2.result assert handler1.result['counter']==1
[docs] def test_sendInvalidAddress(self): """ test trying to send to an invalid address""" eb = Eventbus(port=7001,debug=self.debug) handler=Handler(self.debug) errorHandler=Handler(self.debug) address="unpermitted_address" eb.registerHandler(address, handler.handle) eb.onError=errorHandler.handle cmd=EchoCommand("time","send",address) eb.send('echo',cmd) time.sleep(RECEIVE_WAIT) # 40 message bytes with payload {'type': 'err', 'message': 'access_denied'} not handled yet ... expected eb.close() assert errorHandler.err is not None assert errorHandler.result is None assert handler.err is None assert handler.result is None
[docs] def test_reply(self): """ test sending a message with a reply handler """ eb = Eventbus(port=7001,debug=self.debug) handler=Handler(self.debug) body = {'msg': 'test reply' } eb.wait(State.OPEN) eb.send('echo',body,callback=handler.handle) # wait for the message to arrive time.sleep(RECEIVE_WAIT) eb.close() assert handler.result==body
[docs] def test_send(self): """ test sending a message""" eb = Eventbus(port=7001,debug=self.debug) handler=Handler(self.debug) address="echoMe" eb.registerHandler(address, handler.handle) cmd=EchoCommand("time","send",address) eb.wait(State.OPEN) eb.send('echo',cmd) # wait for the message to arrive time.sleep(RECEIVE_WAIT) eb.close() assert 'received_nanotime' in handler.result assert 'iso_time' in handler.result
[docs] def test_ping(self): """ test sending a ping""" eb = Eventbus(port=7001,options={"vertxbus_ping_interval":500},debug=self.debug) eb.wait(State.OPEN) time.sleep(1.2) eb.close() assert eb.pongCount==2
[docs] def testSocketDirect(self): """ test direct socket communication with echo server""" with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s: s.connect(('localhost',7001)) s.close()
[docs] def testSocketOfEventBus(self): """ send a message using the private function of the event bus""" eb = Eventbus(port=7001,debug=True,connect=False) eb._connect() eb.state=State.OPEN body = {'msg': 'test socketOfEventBus' } eb._send('publish','echo', body) eb.sock.close()
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.starter=TcpEventBusBridgeStarter(7001,debug=True) cls.starter.start() cls.starter.wait()
[docs] @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): cls.starter.stop()
[docs] def testTcpEventBusBridgeStarter(self): """ test the TcpEventBusBridgeStarter""" starter=TcpEventBusBridgeStarter(7002,debug=True) starter.start() starter.wait() time.sleep(2.0) portAvailable=starter.checkPort() # kill the process (in any case) starter.stop() assert portAvailable time.sleep(2.0) assert not starter.checkPort()
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()